– Science Says This Is The Key To Holding On To A Happy Relationship

NJ couple on a bench

If you’re looking for a relationship that’s strong, positive, and long-lasting, there’s a simple way to start making it a reality — gratitude.

Regularly taking a moment to stop and show your partner you’re thankful for her small acts of kindness — be they taking out the trash or fixing your computer — can make both of you feel more satisfied and strengthen your relationship.

Psychologists didn’t start systematically studying gratitude — let alone its impact on romantic relationships — until the early 2000s. Before then, most of the research in the field focused on negative emotions and the problems that either produced or stemmed from these feelings.

But a decade of social science research suggests that partners who show they care about the little things activate a two-way feedback system that helps both members of a relationship feel closer and more fulfilled.

The Power Of Thanks

Two psychologists, University of California, Davis’ Robert Emmons and University of Miami’s Michael McCullough spearheaded most of the early research on gratitude’s effects.

In one of of their studies, the researchers had volunteers keep weekly journals in which they wrote about particular topics. One group wrote about major events that had happened that week. Another group wrote about hassles they’d experienced. The last group wrote about things they were grateful for. Ten weeks later, those in the gratitude group reported feeling more optimistic and more satisfied with their lives than those in any of the other groups. They also reported fewer physical symptoms of discomfort, from runny noses to headaches, and exercised more.

Years later, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill psychologist Sara Algoe took those same feelings of gratefulness and studied how they might affect not just one person, but couples in romantic relationships. For her study, Algoe also had couples keep a diary (just like Emmons and McCullough had). Instead of recording anything they felt grateful for, however, Algoe had her participants list things their partner had done that made them feel grateful, along with how each act of kindness made them feel. Participants also kept track of kind acts they directed toward their partner, and how those made them feel.

Over the course of 1,768 days of reports, participants reported that their partner did something thoughtful for them nearly 700 times, while they reported doing something thoughtful for their partner slightly less often (601 times). But there was a sad twist: Nearly half of the attempted acts of kindness went undetected by the other person. What mattered, it turned out, wasn’t how often someone in the relationship did a thoughtful thing — it was how grateful the partner reported feeling about it.

Volunteers were more connected to their partners and more satisfied with their relationship on the days when they reported feeling more grateful for their partners’ acts of kindness. And those feelings of gratitude — more important than any acts of kindness alone — lasted into the following day.

Couple happy

Couples who took a moment to show they cared about their partner’s efforts got a temporary mood boost. But showing gratitude, it turns out, can also have a lasting impact on relationships.

In a series of studies, University of California, Berkeley psychologist Amie Gordon found that the more grateful couples were, the more likely they were to still be in the relationship nine months down the road.

Gordon’s research had one crucial caveat, though: Expressing gratitude isn’t confined solely to saying “thank you” for a kind deed. Being grateful, she writes in a blog post for Psychology Today,is about feeling lucky to have a caring partner in the first place. “My definition of gratitude includes appreciating not just what your partner does, but who they are as a person. You’re not just thankful that your partner took out the trash — you’re thankful that you have a partner who is thoughtful enough to know you hate taking out the trash.”

Kissing couple

The Bottom Line

Happy couples can make it seem like it all comes naturally, but in reality any strong, quality relationship requires a hefty amount of work. If you want to make your relationship stronger — and you’re willing to put in the effort — gratitude itself can help you and your partner feel happier and more connected.

All of this is based on the idea that gratitude itself can generate more positive thinking. Recent research, including dozens of studies done in individuals and couples, appears to back up this notion. Of course, while gratitude can be used to help strengthen a healthy relationship, it shouldn’t be used as a means of justifying staying in an unhealthy one.

Gratitude is contagious, Gordon’s research found. It produces a cascade of feelings and behaviours, many of which also happen to be critical to strengthening a relationship. When you actively think about your partner’s caring qualities, you begin to think about how much he or she means to you.

Partners who regularly think of each other as valuable and important, it turns out, behave in ways that reflect those feelings.

Imagine stopping for a moment to think about the last time your girlfriend took care of you when you were sick. The next time she says something to you, you might listen more carefully, either because you want to return the favour or because you’ve actively made yourself aware of how important she is to you.

Either way, she’ll likely notice, and she’ll feel more appreciated as a result.

When someone feels appreciated by their partner, they in turn appreciate the partner more too, creating something of a happy cycle. In long-term relationships, it’s those simple behaviours that can make all of the work worthwhile.


By Erin Brodwin from Business Insider



– A SHOCKING PROPOSAL for Lacey Butler’s mother

A SHOCKING PROPOSAL for Lacey Butler’s mother


Apparently she misplaced the ring 15 years ago, thinking it was lost or stolen. Her husband found the ring in a wooden box and decided to surprise her by proposing again with her original lost wedding ring, and her reaction was absolutely wonderful.

 Lacey Butler says - "About 15 years ago my mom lost a very important piece of jewelry, her wedding ring. We searched the house high and low for months, and finally came to the conclusion that it was lost on a job site, or stolen. But on October 26th we learned the truth, it had been stashed away in a small wooden box of my dad just found. We knew reuniting them was going to be emotional enough but dad and I had to add a twist. See here you go my dad proposing to my mom again after 38 years of marriage with my mom and her apron, in the garage! Maybe she was a little dramatic, but hey, it's her missing wedding ring!"


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– Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Video

Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Video

Your business deserves all the attention it can get, and what better way to connect with your customers than with a video? If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures

A corporate video can bring out your personality more than text can on a website - videos can capture your energy, it can show how happy your workers are, and it can show the difference between you and your competition. Just putting text on your website won't do it - seeing is believing! And video is how to show it off.

Melbourne Corporate Productions

Showing your products or services in action is the best way you can connect and drive traffic to your site. A reputable corporate production company can film  your actual customers using your products or even stage a recreation and show off the real benefits of using your products. As time goes by, you could create a full library of your products and services all neatly organized by categories on your website, which in turn will drive more traffic to your website and have you ranking high on search engines.

But be careful, most businesses fail to have a professional video produced so don't do it yourself as its a sure giveaway of low product value. Most people subconsciously disconnect with a badly made video. Some business owners make the biggest mistake by thinking they can get them selves a cheap camera and produce their own video. Unless you are in the business of video production, then don’t attempt to do it yourself, it only cheapens your product or service and people get a subconscious feeling of your product being inferior. These days to commission a professional videographer to produce great corporate videos is more affordable than ever, so have a professional do the job for you and your customers will associate your high quality videos back to your products or services.

    Melbourne Corporate Videography 05

A professional corporate video with engaging visuals and a nice script can capture the attention of your audience immediately. So why not help your audience retain the information with a cool corporate video. The average person retains only 10 percent of what they hear, but 50 percent of what they see according to a study by Wharton Research Center. If the customers likes your product, then they’ll share your video.

According to Video Rascal, 85 percent of people are more likely to buy a product once they see an accompanying Corporate video. Videos help business owners keep tally of how many visitors could become actual customers.

Part of Google’s algorithm for ranking high on search engines is the amount of time visitors stay on your website, because of this fact online video is seeing an explosive growth. Corporate videos have become extremely popular because they are affordable and effective in growing ones business. This makes Corporate videos an excellent marketing tool.
Websites with text and images rank relatively low in Google search, but sites with videos rank a lot higher. A corporate video will get your customers attention and have your website increased in SEO.

Melbourne Corporate Video Productions

Text can be a hit or a miss as there are so many ways your customers can interpret what they read. But corporate videos take much of the guess work out of the equation. Explaining everything from basic functions of a product or service to the most advanced functions that sometimes words cant explain. Your customers have a better idea of your product once they see and hear it properly explained. A professionally produced corporate video could be the difference of customers choosing you over your competitors.

Best of luck - John


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Melbourne Corporate Videography 02
Melbourne Corporate Videography 03
Melbourne Corporate Videography 04
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– How To Save Thousands Off Your Wedding. What You Need To Consider When Choosing Your Wedding Venue

How To Save Thousands Off Your Wedding.


There are so many reception venues available for weddings these days and choosing the right one for your wedding could be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are some key factors you need to take into consideration which will make your decision a lot easier in choosing the right venue for your wedding day and on How To Save Thousands Off Your Wedding.

If you have set a specific date, then you need to find out if the reception venue is available. This may seem simple enough but many wedding reception venues are booked many years in advance, especially during peak season and Saturday evenings are the biggest in demand. But if you have your heart set on a particular venue then be prepared to change your wedding date to avoid disappointment.

There are now many couples who have learned how To Save Thousands Off their Wedding simply by just choosing to have their wedding day either on a Friday, Sunday or in some cases during the week. Thursdays are getting more and more popular.

Some couples are cutting further costs by thousands of dollars, simply by just having their wedding off peak. If you don’t mind having your wedding during winter time you could potentially save many thousands of dollars off your budget.

During winter time many receptions and venues nearly go into hibernation. Some venues are very quiet or shut and they are willing to drop their prices drastically. Some will drop a staggering amount just to have a booking.

The same goes for many other parts of the wedding industry including wedding photographers, videographers, bands DJ’s MC’s and many more all willing to drop a significant amount off their prices just to work in winter and the winner will be you.

Bad Weather.

Some couples are put off by the thought of bad weather for outdoor footage, but sometimes choosing to have your wedding during winter time can turn out to be a blessing in disguise as some of the best videography and photography shots are taken indoors.

With the right experienced professional people, finding amazing indoor locations for you, your photos and video will look absolutely breathtaking. Many of those indoor photographs and video shots could turn out to be better than photos taken outside during the scorching heat.

But you need to ask for the discounts up front as some may overlook to offer it at first until you request it.You need to decide on the amount of people you will be inviting to your wedding to determine if the size of the venue is appropriate for your guest list. It is better to have a wedding in a smaller venue if your guest list is under a hundred, as this gives the impression of a bigger wedding.

Some couples have made the mistake of unnecessarily paying a lot more money hiring a bigger venue for a small guest list and their wedding fell flat and seemed very quiet and empty. The opposite is true as well and the last thing you want is to have your guests sitting too close to one another because your venue was too small for the group you are inviting.

There are countless venues with different packages to choose from and some will be more attractive than others. But the reality is, not every venue will fit within your budget. You need to determine what you can and can’t afford and do you really need to have a 5 course meal or could you get by with a 3 or even a 2 course.

Does the venue provide meal options to suit your guests if needed, including guest which may be vegetarians, some children, gluten-intolerant guests or some with religious food obligations.Some venues can be very flexible with pricing per head dependent on your guest list number. The more you invite the lower the price per head the venue can discount and as we have previously mentioned if you choose a day other than a saturday evening you could save potentially manny hundreds of dollars as well.

These days more and more weddings are being held further out of the metropolitan area like the vineyards of the Yarra Valley. You may want to consider if there are accommodations for your guests and if they could provide further discounts if many of your guest took up rooms to stay overnight.

If you have many guests arriving from overseas or interstate you may be able to get further discounts for your guests for bulk accommodation bookings or if some of your guests wanted to take up the opportunity to stay overnight to save them the trip of a long drive home late at night.

Most reception venues have adequate parking for all of your guests, but more and more couples are choosing to get married in very unorthodox locations which might impede on parking for your guests. You may need to take this into consideration when searching for your wedding reception venue. When viewing photographs of receptions and wedding venues, don’t assume everything you see in the pictures is included in the price. Not all venues will provide all decorations including chair coverings and table decoration so ask for complete clarification on what is included in the price. In most cases the venue will inform you if they don’t serve alcohol during your consultation, but to avoid wasting time, try to find out prior to your meeting.

Some venues may require permits and, without one, you won’t be able to serve any alcohol. Some venues may require the couple to source their own permits as well. So all this needs to be clarified in advance to avoid any mistakes. It may not be clearly stated on their website, so make a quick phone call or send a quick email requesting more information to avoid confusion and wasting time.

If you decide on an outdoor celebration, whether you’re holding it in a public garden or at the gardens of the reception venue, be sure to have a plan B in place in case the weather turns out to be unkind. May couples have made the terrible mistake of not having a plan B and having their most special day ruined by the sudden weather change.

Once you have found your perfect wedding reception or venue you need to book it in immediately and pay your deposit to ensure your wedding date is firmly secured for you.With a little bit of extra care and well planning you can avoid unnecessary mistakes and save a lot of money.

Good Luck

– Groom Gets Arrested At His Own Wedding

"A ‘drunk’ Adelaide groom has been arrested on his wedding day after an argument broke out between himself and the minister performing the ceremony.

Reverend Ian Hunter refused to perform the wedding ceremony when the groom, Jacob Brookes, turned up so allegedly intoxicated, the priest decided it would be too “unethical” to perform the service.

The priest, who legally, cannot allow any binding ceremony to continue if one or both of the parties is unable to give clear and irrefutable consent, has said it was the “hardest decision” of his ministry, but that he believed it was the correct decision.

The 40-year-old groom, on the other hand, denies he was drunk and says the Uniting Church reverend over reacted.

Witnesses say the discussion, which occurred before the bride arrived, became so heated that police had to be called and the local poet and musician was charged with disorderly behaviour and resisting arrest.

“I’ve been dreaming for days and days and days about her beautiful wedding dress and [to] see her walking down the aisle,” the Brookes told Channel 10 news.

“All I needed was my woman to feel like she was the Queen of the day.”

Unfortunately for the groom, 10 news reports that the wedding won’t be going ahead in the future as there is “no chance” of reconciliation between Brookes and his “humiliated” bride."



– Groom Divorces New Wife on Wedding Night

A Short Lasting Marriage

One of the shortest lasting marriages in history could make for a great entertaining short film.
Reports from Samantha from easy weddings says "A Saudi Arabian groom has divorced his new wife on their wedding night after receiving ‘intimate’ pictures of her thanks to a disgruntled former lover. The couple were celebrating their wedding at a local hotel when the groom was presented with a bouquet of flowers – and a USB stick.

A note accompanying the mysterious gift encouraged the new groom to view the pictures immediately, which he did. Shocked by the pictures contained on the USB drive, the groom decided to divorce his bride immediately. He said that the pictures were “truly the shock of his life” and that he “could not bear the scandal.”

The bride says she was contacted by the former flame just four days before her wedding. He insisted on meeting her and, when she refused, he threatened to inform her future husband of their past relationship. Despite her pleas to be left alone to start a new life and a family, the disgruntled ex found out where the wedding was being held and ensured the USB stick was delivered to the groom."






– Shooting in 4K. What does it really mean.

Shooting in 4K

Simply put we are going back to our roots when film had the same high level pixel count. It has taken video many decades to catch up and now it has finally done it.  It even looks like it might surpass the resolution of film in the near future as there is already talk of 8K and 16K not too far in the horizon. There are some cameras now shooting in 4K, 5K  and 6K like the RED Cameras. With the 6K RED DRAGON sensor, you can capture over 9x more pixels than HD.


4K is 4 times the resolution of 1080p HD and nearly ten times the resolution of DVD.

The video images out of 4K is breathtakingly jaw dropping and if a couple decide to have their wedding shot in 4K professionally then the results will be absolutely amazing, plus they will be future proofing their most special day in the highest quality for generations to come.

4K is great news for anyone wanting to print high quality images from still frames. You can choose to film your event without a photographer and have still frames of your choice, printed in high quality.

4K is great news for filmmakers because now if you have a shot you’d like to crop and re-frame in post, with all that extra resolution to play with you now have enormous flexibility.
You can choose to have a single wide shot setup and at times punch in to get close ups, mimicking a two camera setup.

4K is great news for shooting high resolution for green screen keying as it will make your keying process much simpler. With so much more resolution your keying software should have an easier time differentiating the green pixels you want to key from the edges of your subject.

4K is great news if you plan on doing any motion tracking, a more detailed image should help your tracker to stay on the points you’ve defined.

4K is great news for future proofing your work.

Now for the bad news.

Much higher resolution images means much bigger files.

If you’re editing in Final Cut Pro and have to trans-code to ProRes, then your file sizes are going to be enormous. We recommend investing in many fast drives.


Shooting 4K, 8K, or 16K with HD Cameras

Creating 4k, or 8k, or even, 16k video, with multiple camera’s.

(Transcript) Lets start off with achieving 4k, with 4 simple HD camera’s.
You can achieve this with any HD camera, but, preferably, all the camera’s, should be the same, with the same settings, and lens.

You would need a rig to adjust its position, as in 2 camera’s above and 2 below.
You could easily create, a simple rig out of wood or metal.

Lets use the example, with a DSLR, as our setup.
You should use a zoom lens, as apposed to a fixed lens on all 4 camera’s.

Draw up a large 16 by 9 aspect ratio onto a wall, using electrical tape

The mathematics, for achieving a 16 by 9 aspect ratio, onto any size, is as follows;

Starting with width. If you know your width, then,

Multiply your width by 9, then divide the answer by 16.

Example of how a 1920 by 10 80 is a 16 by 9 aspect ratio.

1920 multiplied by 9 equals 17280.
17280 divided by 16 equals 10 80


Starting with Height. If you know your height, then,
Divide your height by 9, then multiplied by 16


10 80 divided by 9 equals 120.
120 multiplied by 16 = 1920.

You could use this formula for any size at all.

Now, once you have your large 16 by 9 size, you need to divide it into 4 equal parts. Make sure the measurements are exact to the millimeter.

Zoom in your camera, until the first upper left corner, fills the frame exactly to the millimeter, then lock off the camera. You could use the canon’s zoom view button to get precise positioning.

Get the next camera, and zoom into the upper right corner, until it fills the frame to the millimeter. Then repeat the process for the bottom 2 cameras, and lock it off. Now you have 4 camera’s locked off, on 4 different positions, on a 16 by 9 frame.

Record your footage and make sure to have a sync point, so you could sync all the cameras together in the editing room. We will use final cut pro x to demonstrate how to stitch your footage together.

Select new project and use the 4k setup.

Now lay down your footage on top of one another, as layers corresponding to their correct positions, on the 4K project timeline. Then in the inspector window, make sure the spacial conform window, is set to none for each footage.

Now you can-export your footage, as a master file, and have 4K video resolution.

All created from a simple rig, with 4 HD camera’s.

You could effectively do this, with four 4K camera’s as well, to achieve 8K resolution video. And 6K camera’s to achieve 12K video.

If you could get your hands, on four 8K camera’s, then you could achieve 16K resolution video.

Or, you could build a special rig to accommodate much more camera’s and achieve even higher resolutions than 16K.

Let us know your thoughts, we’d love to hear them.