How to get 4K 8K or 16K Video With Multiple Cameras

4k 8k or 16k video

Multiple camera setup for 4k 8k or 16k video.

Ultra High, Super High and Crazy High Definition Video

Creating 4k, or 8k, or even, 16k video, with multiple camera’s.

(Transcript) Lets start off with achieving 4k, with 4 simple HD camera’s.
You can achieve this with any HD camera, but, preferably, all the camera’s, should be the same, with the same settings, and lens.

You would need a rig to adjust its position, as in 2 camera’s above and 2 below.
And you could easily create, a simple rig out of wood or metal.

Lets use the example, with a DSLR, as our setup.
You should use a zoom lens, as apposed to a fixed lens on all 4 camera’s.

Draw up a large 16 by 9 aspect ratio onto a wall, using electrical tape

The mathematics, for achieving a 16 by 9 aspect ratio, onto any size, is as follows;

Starting with width. If you know your width, then,

Multiply your width by 9, then divide the answer by 16.

Example of how a 1920 by 10 80 is a 16 by 9 aspect ratio.

1920 multiplied by 9 equals 17280.
17280 divided by 16 equals 10 80


Starting with Height. If you know your height, then,
Divide your height by 9, then multiplied by 16


10 80 divided by 9 equals 120.
120 multiplied by 16 = 1920.

You could use this formula for any size at all.

Now, once you have your large 16 by 9 size, you need to divide it into 4 equal parts. Make sure the measurements are exact to the millimeter.

Zoom in your camera, until the first upper left corner, fills the frame exactly to the millimeter, then lock off the camera. You could use the canon’s zoom view button to get precise positioning.

Get the next camera, and zoom into the upper right corner, until it fills the frame to the millimeter. Then repeat the process for the bottom 2 cameras, and lock it off. Now you have 4 camera’s locked off, on 4 different positions, on a 16 by 9 frame.

Record your footage and make sure to have a sync point, so you could sync all the cameras together in the editing room. We will use final cut pro x to demonstrate how to stitch your footage together.

Select new project and use the 4k setup.

Now lay down your footage on top of one another, as layers corresponding to their correct positions, on the 4K project timeline. Then in the inspector window, make sure the spacial conform window, is set to none for each footage.

Now you can-export your footage, as a master file, and have 4K video resolution.

All created from a simple rig, with 4 HD camera’s.

You could effectively do this, with four 4K camera’s as well, to achieve 8K resolution video. And 6K camera’s to achieve 12K video.

If you could get your hands, on four 8K camera’s, then you could achieve 16K resolution video.

Or, you could build a special rig to accommodate much more camera’s and achieve even higher resolutions than 16K.

Let us know your thoughts, we’d love to hear them.

Thanks for watching,
We’ll see you next time


Music: Babylon - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

A great way of achieving 4k 8k or 16k video.

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PHD Pure Hard Dance™ est 2002 in Melbourne is still a very popular club event & merchandise brand & icon in the Hard Dance scene locally, nationally & internationally.

Although PHD Pure Hard Dance™ is no longer a weekly event, it’s popularity has not suffered amongst it’s loyal fans.

Hosting events including international artists always draw big crowds continuing the legacy PHD Pure Hard Dance™ has become.

There are not many Hard Trance or Hardstyle acts that have not been associated with the brand making the iconic logo recognizable to everyone across the globe.

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Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Video

Your business deserves all the attention it can get, and what better way to connect with your customers than with a video? If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures

A corporate video can bring out your personality more than text can on a website - videos can capture your energy, it can show how happy your workers are, and it can show the difference between you and your competition. Just putting text on your website won't do it - seeing is believing! And video is how to show it off.

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Showing your products or services in action is the best way you can connect and drive traffic to your site. A reputable corporate production company can film  your actual customers using your products or even stage a recreation and show off the real benefits of using your products. As time goes by, you could create a full library of your products and services all neatly organized by categories on your website, which in turn will drive more traffic to your website and have you ranking high on search engines.

But be careful, most businesses fail to have a professional video produced so don't do it yourself as its a sure giveaway of low product value. Most people subconsciously disconnect with a badly made video. Some business owners make the biggest mistake by thinking they can get them selves a cheap camera and produce their own video. Unless you are in the business of video production, then don’t attempt to do it yourself, it only cheapens your product or service and people get a subconscious feeling of your product being inferior. These days to commission a professional videographer to produce great corporate videos is more affordable than ever, so have a professional do the job for you and your customers will associate your high quality videos back to your products or services.

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A professional corporate video with engaging visuals and a nice script can capture the attention of your audience immediately. So why not help your audience retain the information with a cool corporate video. The average person retains only 10 percent of what they hear, but 50 percent of what they see according to a study by Wharton Research Center. If the customers likes your product, then they’ll share your video.

According to Video Rascal, 85 percent of people are more likely to buy a product once they see an accompanying Corporate video. Videos help business owners keep tally of how many visitors could become actual customers.

Part of Google’s algorithm for ranking high on search engines is the amount of time visitors stay on your website, because of this fact online video is seeing an explosive growth. Corporate videos have become extremely popular because they are affordable and effective in growing ones business. This makes Corporate videos an excellent marketing tool.
Websites with text and images rank relatively low in Google search, but sites with videos rank a lot higher. A corporate video will get your customers attention and have your website increased in SEO.

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Text can be a hit or a miss as there are so many ways your customers can interpret what they read. But corporate videos take much of the guess work out of the equation. Explaining everything from basic functions of a product or service to the most advanced functions that sometimes words cant explain. Your customers have a better idea of your product once they see and hear it properly explained. A professionally produced corporate video could be the difference of customers choosing you over your competitors.

Best of luck - John


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