A SHOCKING PROPOSAL for Lacey Butler’s mother
Apparently she misplaced the ring 15 years ago, thinking it was lost or stolen. Her husband found the ring in a wooden box and decided to surprise her by proposing again with her original lost wedding ring, and her reaction was absolutely wonderful.
Lacey Butler says - "About 15 years ago my mom lost a very important piece of jewelry, her wedding ring. We searched the house high and low for months, and finally came to the conclusion that it was lost on a job site, or stolen. But on October 26th we learned the truth, it had been stashed away in a small wooden box of my dad just found. We knew reuniting them was going to be emotional enough but dad and I had to add a twist. See here you go my dad proposing to my mom again after 38 years of marriage with my mom and her apron, in the garage! Maybe she was a little dramatic, but hey, it's her missing wedding ring!"
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